A beautiful piece of video…
However, change the music and it still works: Lost in a moment – Tokyo – Benny Hillified Yes, you can sigh now…
Ants have amazed me for a while. Here’s some video gems i’ve discovered on the internet. Unveiling the inside of a massive ant colony. Deborah Gordon: How do ants know what to do?
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Pumpkin carving competition
Ok, so every now and then our illustrious employer springs a surprise on us, and this week it was a pumpkin carving competion. I didn’t get a chance to make my own due to actually having some real work to…
LHC – Things can only get better?
I’ve been trying not to think about this too much, and i wasn’t worried, till i saw this in the paper: “Anyone who thinks the LHC will destroy the world is a twat”. Professor Brian Cox of Manchester University told…
Infinite universe
If we live in an infinite universe, and anything is possible, what if we are already currently experiencing, anything. What if all that is possible is what we’re doing right now? We (the human race) are surely already quite incredible?
Not sure where the fixation with the mythical creatres of the realm originated from but there’s been some activity in the papers over the last few days that have had me searching again. Ok, so its not horse related (which…
Please, don’t use the ‘v’ word
I’ve sat through too many meetings and presentations recently where someone says ‘…and this will make a great viral’ or ‘…and we can make a great viral out of this.’ or (and this is the one that makes me shudder…