Ford Focus Plasma Ball

Posted via email from mrspooner’s posterous

£30.05 in 5p pieces

See and download the full gallery on posterous Posted via email from mrspooner’s posterous

Ships crossing the channel

Photosynth – Boat-oh-synth

I installed the plugin and have been looking for subjects, but rarely have my camera to hand at the right time. This one i planned, apart from not clearing the memory card before i left so could only take about…

G-wiz photos

Decided that we didn’t have any nice photos of The Wizz, so when the sun was shining last weekend i took the car and the dog to the park, here’s what happened…


There’s various subjects and examples of timelapse work. I’ve picked these examples as i like the whole journey that they send you on. This first example shows great dedication and quite a bit of luck that no-one decided to steal…