NUIverse – Surface 2 exploration of the Universe using a Natural User Interface
Microsoft Surface 2.0 application, enabling exploration of the Universe using a Natural User Interface. For details on the concept and how it was built, go over to http://drdave.co.uk/blog/. Posted via email from Mr.Spooner’s Posterous

The Badgermin- half badger, half theremin
http://nervoussquirrel.com/badgermin.html Posted via email from Mr.Spooner’s Posterous

Real life Wipeout – Quantum Levitation / Superconducting Magnetic Levitation (MagLev)
“Fake!” I hear you cry. That’s what I thought, especially as the above video has comments disabled, however, the next video goes some way to explaining how this could be possible. To understand how this works, take a read of…

I’m looking forward to Little Printer from those clever chaps over at BERG
Little Printer lives in your home, bringing you news, puzzles and gossip from your friends. Use your smartphone to set up subscriptions and Little Printer will gather them together to create a timely, beautiful mini-newspaper. bergcloud.com/2011/11/29/announcing-little-printer-and-berg-cloud/ Posted via email from…

#UX advice – The Problem With QR Codes (via @rocket_panda)
Posted via email from Mr.Spooner’s Posterous

I. Want. One. Air Swimmers – RC Flying Shark and Clownfish
http://airswimmers.com/ http://airswimmers.com/ Posted via email from Mr.Spooner’s Posterous

The Internet in 1969 – it s a wonder it got off the ground if this was the vision
“What the wife selects on her console, the husband will pay for on his counter part console.” I love the way he shakes his head disapprovingly. He should sell one of those computers, that would surely set things straight. Also……

The Internet of Social Things
Here’s a talk I gave at the SoCon 2011 conference last month – you’ll need to give it a few seconds (maybe about 30 seconds in reality) to load, the player doesn’t appear immediately for some reason. The essence of…

The ultimate gaming experience? Battlefield 3 Simulator from The Gadget Show (video)
This rig would run into tens of thousands of pounds to build and I love the Gadget Show for going to such extremes with this one. I would SO build one myself if I had the time / money /…