“I hearby exercise my right to skate.” Gnarly action from Ed Bacon.

I heard this story on a podcast from 99% Invisible whilst driving, and I must admit, it brought a tear to my eye.

Ed Bacon (yes, actually Kevin Bacon’s dad) is the architect who conceived Philadelphia’s Love Park (aka JFK Plaza). The park was never intended to be used as a skatepark but the materials that were used and the sweeping lines meant that it became a mecca for skaters worldwide.

However, the city didn’t like this creative adaptation of municipal space and in 2002 the park was renovated to deter skateboarders from using it. Bacon didn’t like this so on October 28, 2002—at age 92 — Ed Bacon rode a skateboard to protest the ban on skateboarding. See and hear him in action below.

Edmund Bacon Skates Love Park from Andrew Norton on Vimeo.

Hear the full story on 99% Invisible: Episode 71- In and Out of LOVE.