The Guardian says: "Sky guns for iTunes market with new music download service" But the real competition is surely Spotify. If they can offer a better streaming catalogue than Spotify, then they'll have something to offer. The + 1 free…
I wish everyone would stop going on about the Palm Pre and how it charges wirelessly. The 'Touchstone' is still plugged into something – there's still wires attached. Ok, credit to them for kicking off this sort of technology, but…
Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/home2/usr/home/andrewsp/public_html/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/ocado-on-the-go-iphone-app-screenshot-179900.thumbnail.jpg) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/ in /home/ on line 6508
I have an idea for an iPhone app that I’m never going to find the time to build so I thought I’d share it with you here. What’s in the sky tonight? would utilise the device’s inbuilt GPS positioning, clock…
Barry Schuler : An introduction to genomics “We are on the cusp of being able to sequence human genomes for about $5,000 in about an hour, a half hour, you will see that happen in the next 5 years. And…
However, change the music and it still works: Lost in a moment – Tokyo – Benny Hillified Yes, you can sigh now…
Ants have amazed me for a while. Here’s some video gems i’ve discovered on the internet. Unveiling the inside of a massive ant colony. Deborah Gordon: How do ants know what to do?
Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/home2/usr/home/andrewsp/public_html/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/300x250_renaultsqueeze.thumbnail.gif) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/ in /home/ on line 6508
Loving this banner from Renault. Was served on one of the auto sites with leaderboard and banner. A strategist’s dream, a creative’s nightmare? I’m loving it.
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Ok, so every now and then our illustrious employer springs a surprise on us, and this week it was a pumpkin carving competion. I didn’t get a chance to make my own due to actually having some real work to…