Sound travels faster than light
I’ve spoken at a few conferences recently about the use of audio feedback in products. I say products, because this thinking spreads across both physical and digital interactions. One of my arguments for why we should care about audio feedback…

The Badgermin- half badger, half theremin
http://nervoussquirrel.com/badgermin.html Posted via email from Mr.Spooner’s Posterous

Sky Orchestra – hot air balloons and massive sounds over London
Sky Orchestra. Now there’s a pretty thing. I love hot air balloons and music, not sure this is a great way to wake up though unless I asked to be woken. I suppose more than anything, I’d like to hear…

Stereosonic tape system? Ford In-Car Entertainment History
Love the voice overs. Can’t wait for Sync to arrive in the UK. Posted via email from Mr.Spooner’s Posterous
Everything is a remix. Video
Loving the way he drops in the beat from When the Levee Breaks, now i’m hearing it everywhere. Not loving the way he begs for cash at the end. This is the internets FFS! Everything is a Remix from Kirby…
Guitar – Taylor Big Baby – rather than play, tonight i took some pics
Tonight, I decided to take some pictures of my guitar. Here they are: See and download the full gallery on posterous Posted via email from Mr.Spooner’s Posterous
Scrobbled. Pretty visualisations of data from Last.fm.
Download now or preview on posterous brotherbrown_listening_trends.pdf (14 KB) Love these images as provided by Last.fm to subscribers to their site. Derived from your top 40 artists for the past 12 months. The sections in this graph illustrate your top…
Sky Songs. Ok, so they’ll be streaming, but that’s not new. Need to better Spotify.
The Guardian says: "Sky guns for iTunes market with new music download service"http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2009/oct/11/sky-guns-for-itunes-market But the real competition is surely Spotify. If they can offer a better streaming catalogue than Spotify, then they'll have something to offer. The + 1 free…
Top 10 – Desert Island Discs
Pauly and I sat down the other night and compiled out Top 10 albums and singles. These will no doubt be revised over time, but here’s a good starting point. We couldn’t decide if it should be albums or singles…